Friday, February 11, 2011

In for the long haul

Morning weigh in:
Wii Fit age: 20 (although it teased me and said 19 first)
Weight:  down  .2

Yeah, I have one follower!! Thanks, Cindy Ann!!

Since I'm in this for the long haul and still have quite a ways to go, I really hope the time sets a change in my eating habits. It would be nice to have proper portion control and saying no to seconds (at least most the time) come as second nature.

Yesterday I had ravioli for lunch. The serving size said 3 for 190 calories. Last time it wasn't quite enough and I still wanted a snack after. So this time I cooked 4. With butter and seasoning my lunch was about 350 calories... and it was yummy and satisfying.

For those of you counting:  Butter is, in general, 100 calories per tablespoon.... 30 per pat.

1 comment:

  1. If you can fit 3 pats in a tablespoon, each must be ant-size. Is there a diet that doesn't believe butter is fattening>
